Help > Extension


    The CarryLinks extension has many features that make it unique and useful. Here are some of the features:

    1. User-Friendly Interface: The extension is designed with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for both beginners and experienced users to save, organize, and manage their links effectively.
    2. Import from Bookmarks: Easily import bookmarks from your browser into CarryLinks.
    3. Import from History: Import links from your browsing history into CarryLinks for organization.
    4. Save Open Tabs: Quickly save all open tabs in your browser with a single click.
    5. Access from Browser Toolbar: Access your CarryLinks directly from your browser's toolbar for convenient link management.
    6. Cross-Browser Compatibility: The extension is compatible with various web browsers, ensuring flexibility in your link management.
    7. Organize and Categorize: Easily categorize and organize your saved links within the extension.
    8. Synchronization: The extension synchronizes with the CarryLinks website, ensuring that your links are accessible across devices and platforms.
    9. Import Links from Various Browsers: Import bookmarks and links from different browsers with just one click.
    10. Delete Browsing History: You can also manage and delete your browsing history through the extension.

    These features enhance your link management experience and streamline the process of saving and organizing web content.

    Safari currently has limitations when it comes to supporting certain features in browser extensions, particularly those related to managing bookmarks. Consequently, some functions that are available in other browsers may not be fully supported in the CarryLinks extension for Safari. To overcome these limitations, you can import your existing Safari bookmarks into CarryLinks directly from the CarryLinks website. Simply log in to your account and click " Import/Export Links."

    Yes, the CarryLinks extension is designed to be synchronized with the CarryLinks website/app. Any changes, additions, or modifications you make in the extension are reflected on the website/app, and vice versa. This synchronization ensures that your bookmarks and links are accessible across devices, browsers, and systems.

    The CarryLinks extension offers additional features that enhance your browsing and link management experience, including the ability to:

    • Save links from your browser's history.
    • Save all open tabs with a single click.
    • View and bookmark links from any webpage.
    • Access your links directly from your browser's toolbar while visiting other websites.
    • Import bookmarks and links from various browsers with one click.
    • Share the URL of the page you are visiting with others.